'There's a walled city in the desert to the south,' said Valeria quickly. 'Let's go there!'After escaping from a terrible dragon, Valeria the Pirate and Conan the Barbarian enter the city of Xuchotl. They are looking for treasure, but find themselves in the middle of a fierce clan war. Who should Valeria and Conan trust? How can they fight the spells of witches and wizards? And what is the secr…
'My first journey was a pilgrimage to Mecca. I got on a donkey and said Goodbye to my parents in Tangier when I was 21. My mother cried.' In this way Ibn Battuta, one of the greatest travellers in the world, begins telling his story to his nephew, Ahmed. His many journeys take him to new and interesting places far from home. He sees many strange and wonderful things, has many funny and frighten…