Sinbad the sailor spends many years at sea. He visits strange countries, meets some strange people and some frightening animals. He is sometimes rich, sometimes poor and always in danger. But all the time he is learning from his adventures, until finally he returns home to Baghdad, an older and wiser man.
Hercules is the strongest man in the world, but one day he does something very bad. The priestess at Delphi tells him: 'The gods are angry with you. For twelve years you must work for King Eurystheus, and do twelve tasks for him. When you finish, the gods can forgive your crime.' Some tasks are easier, and some tasks are more difficult. Can Hercules finish all twelve of them? And what happens w…
'My first journey was a pilgrimage to Mecca. I got on a donkey and said Goodbye to my parents in Tangier when I was 21. My mother cried.' In this way Ibn Battuta, one of the greatest travellers in the world, begins telling his story to his nephew, Ahmed. His many journeys take him to new and interesting places far from home. He sees many strange and wonderful things, has many funny and frighten…
Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading. 'Tripitaka, can you go to the west for me - and for Buddah?'When the holy woman Guanyin asks the young Chinese monk Tripitak…