Since her father disappeared, Miss Mary Morstan has received a large pearl through the post on the same day, every year, for six years. Who is sending them? And what about her father's paper with the words 'The Sign of Four' written on it? Sherlock Holmes alone can solve these mysteries.
The Moonstone is a beautiful yellow diamond that was stolen from the statue of a Moon god in India. When Franklin Blake brings it to Rachel Verinder's house in Yorkshire for her birthday, it brings bad luck with it. How many people will the Moonstone hurt? How many must die before the diamond's revenge is complete? Text adaptation by Merinda Wilson
'Why shouldn't we offer to take care of her? She could live with us at Mansfield.' In this way Mrs Norris persuades her sister, Lady Bertram, and Lady Bertram's husband, Sir Thomas, to ask their poor niece Fanny Price to live with them at Mansfield Park. At first Fanny is unhappy there. Then, after she makes friends with her young cousins, things improve. But what happens when the cousins are o…
The year is 1757. The English and the French are at war in North America. Two sisters - Cora and Alice - want to visit their father, General Munro. They begin their dangerous journey with the handsome English officer, Duncan Heyward, and the Indian guide, Magua. On the way they meet friends and enemies, and many adventures. Some people will become heroes and some people will die. But what will …
A 'Tall Tale' is a story that's hard to believe, and the five tall tales in this book all tell of ghosts. Some have dark secrets buried in the past, others bring messages for the living. Some are laughable, some are sad, and some are just evil. Sometimes there's a logical explanation for the strangest happenings, but often things cannot be explained by logic alone. Either way, you're sure to fi…
'There's a walled city in the desert to the south,' said Valeria quickly. 'Let's go there!'After escaping from a terrible dragon, Valeria the Pirate and Conan the Barbarian enter the city of Xuchotl. They are looking for treasure, but find themselves in the middle of a fierce clan war. Who should Valeria and Conan trust? How can they fight the spells of witches and wizards? And what is the secr…