Judul asli : Second childhood Gleitzman, Morris. "Second childhood". London: Macmillan Children's Books, 1990. Sejak masuk sekolah menengah, Mark merasa tertekan. Ayahnya ingin ia selalu jadi juara seperti di sekolah dasar dulu. Padahal menurut Mark, sekolah menengah jauh lebih sulit. Untunglah ia mendapat kesempatan untuk memperbaiki nilai ketika gurunya memberi tugas membuat karya tulis…
Judul asli : Water wings Gleitzman, Morris. "Water wings". London: Macmillan Children's Books, 1996. Dalam kotak-kotak berisi barang-barang usang di loteng, Pearl menemukan pelampung karet berwarna merah muda. "Nek,"katanya. "ini punya Nenek?" Nenek menatap pelampung-pelampung itu lama sekali. Matanya berkaca-kaca. Pearl menyimpan rahasianya dalam lemari es di antara kacang polong dan …
Judul asli : Gift of the gab Gleitzman, Morris. "Gift of the gab". London: Macmillan Children's Books, 1999. Rowena Batts kembali lagi dengan pertualangan yang lebih seru dari dua buku sebelumnya Mulut Ember dan Kakaktua Cerewet. Dalam buku ini Ro harus menghadapi si nakal Dermot Figgs yang menghina ayah dan ibunya, pembaca berita televisi yang mau mewawancarai ayahnya, dan terutama misteri…
Bestselling author Jamie Kelly is back with an all-new, all-funny diary! But she has no idea that anybody is reading it. So please, please, please don't tell her. School's out for the summer, and that means no more Meat Loaf Thursdays, Sunday homework-cramming, or teachers (way way unsuccessfully) trying to act cool. It also means that certain Mackerel Middle Schoolers have a lot of time on …
Dear Dumb Diary, So now I'm friends with Angeline. This is automatic friendship, and I have to just accept it and make the best of things. See, if I objected, then Aunt Carol might divorce Angeline's uncle, sending both of them tumbling into a deep pit of depression for the rest of their lives, and Angeline could wind up feeling so guilty that she would have to go be locked up in an old dirty i…
Dear Dumb Diary, I went back and read some of my very oldest diaries. The entries say things like "I eated salad dressing" and "I got a Barbie shoe stuck in Stinker's nose again" and "The vet was mean to me about the Barbie shoe so I tried to bite him but vets are quick at not getting bit because dogs try all the time but dogs don't usually kick so I did that." What amazed me was just ho…
Everyone's favorite Mackerel Middle-Schooler, Jamie Kelly, is back with another hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice) diary! There's a new girl in at Mackerel Middle School.Colette is friendly, fabulous, smart, totally talented, and an all-around amazing individual. She is more brilliantly diabolical than Isabella, as blindly loyal as Stinker, and even harder-to-resist than Angeline.…
Dear Dumb Diary, My social studies teacher, Mr. VanDoy, never smiles. I know that's hard to believe, because everybody smiles about something, right? Isabella smiles when her brothers get in trouble. Angeline smiles when she thinks about how much prettier she is than, like, a waterfall or a unicorn. I smile when I think about a unicorn kicking Angeline over a waterfall. But Mr. VanDoy do…
Take a peek inside the diaries of Jamie Kelly! She's cool (sometimes), nice (mostly), and funny (always). Kid-friendly humor & art, along w/JKBenton's signature style make this series a standout! Read the hilarious, candid (& sometimes mean) diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true...or at least as true as it needs to be. In this book, Jamie contends with Ang…
The (nearly) true confessions of Jamie Kelly Dear Dumb Diary, Anyway, Isabella said it wasn't the makeover that boosted Margaret's popularity and forced us down. It was the pants. She said it wasn't my loud "Yahoo" in science that got me switched again so that I'm science partners with Known Goon Mike Pinsetti. It was the pants. And she said it wasn't me that had done you-know-what …