Would you eat your best friend? Everyone knows that ogres eat children. Everyone except Jack. So when Little Ogre meets Jack and says, "I want you for supper," Jack does a funny thing. He doesn't scream or run away—he's delighted to be invited! Poor Jack doesn't realize he is the supper—a special birthday supper for Little Ogre's mother! But Little Ogre and Jack get along well, and when i…
Wilbur the pig has been sent to live on Zuckerman's farm. The barn is a big, scary place, but a very kind spider named Charlotte befriends him. Then life on the farm doesn't seem so bad—until Wilbur discovers a terrible secret. He won't live to see another spring. Charlotte promises to come up with a brilliant plan. Will she be able to save Wilbur before it's too late?
Putri mungkin saja jangkung dan buruk rupa, tapi ia bertekad menjadi model kelas dunia. Apakah kau penuh semangat? Apakah kau senang tampil? Kalau ya, mungkin kau cocok menjadi model yang tampil dengan penuh percaya diri.
Sore hari, Lana bersama Rey, Putra, dan Bima bermain sepeda di sekitar kompleks perumahan. Sepeda pun melaju susul-menyusul diiringi canda dan tawa. Tiba-tiba, bruuk! Apa yang terjadi? Rey terjatuh saat melewati jalan berlubang. Lututnya lecet dan mengeluarkan darah. Huhuhu ... bagaimana ini? Rasanya perih sekali! Apa yang dilakukan Lana untuk membantu Rey? Yuk, baca ceritanya di buku ini!
This is the story of Candy Stripe Lil and Harry the Hog who lived over the hill . . . and a foggy March day, round about three, when Lil had invited Harry for tes. But where is Harry?
Learning is fun with My First Book Club, featuring Jim Henson's Muppet Babies. This series of books has been especially created to teach preschool children basic concepts and to help them discover and understand the exciting world around them. Using simple words, bright pictures, familiar subjects, and enjoyable stories, these books will not only stimulate young children's imaginations, but …
Kevin sangat bersemangat ketika ia diminta membantu Cranky di Dermaga. Akan tetapi, Cranky merasa ia tidak membutuhkan bantuan, bahkan ketika terjadi kesalahan...
Dahulu kala ada seorang gadis cantik bernama Putri Salju, ia tinggal di kerajaan bersama ibu tirinya yang kejam, sang Ratu. Ia menjalani hidupnya yang berat, putri salju selalu riang.
Di sebuah kerajaan, ada seorang anak perempuan yang cantik dan baik hati. Ia tinggal bersama ibu dan kedua kakak tirinya, karena orangtuanya sudah meninggal dunia.
The little birdies wait… and wait… and wait… Every morning, Grandpa sends them rain. But today, there is no rain! Where is Grandpa? What has happened to him? Can Reddo, Yello, Bluey and Greeny fi nd Grandpa? Join the four birdies in this 3-in-1 storybook, because every day is an exciting new adventure! Burung-burung kecil menunggu… dan menunggu… dan menunggu… Setiap pagi, Kake…