Suatu hari Bonnie mencium bau wangi yang menggoda. Ternyata, wangi itu berasal dari kue-kue tradisional yang lezat di rumah Nenek Machi. Bonnie tak dapat menahan laparnya.... Ia mencuri dan memakan kue-kue tersebut. Namun, apa yang terjadi? Tubuh Bonnie membesar, membesar, dan terus membesar!!! Lalu... apa yang terjadi? Yuk, kita ikuti kelanjutan ceritanya!
Kiki adalah seorang tukang cukur. Ia naik sepeda berkeliling kota untuk menawarkan jasanya. Hari itu ia pulang ke rumah dengan membawa rumput segar, jamur dan pisang. Wah, Kiki senang sekali! Dari mana, ya bahan-bahan itu? Yuk, kita ikuti ceritanya di buku ini!
Klinting-klinting... Itulah bunyi lonceng si naga kecil Baruklinting. Dia suka membawanya ke mana saja. Tapi, oh, loncengnya terlepas dan menggelinding jauh. Bisakah Baruklinting mendapatkan loncengnya kembali?
The book opens with the question: "How are you feeling today?" And this leads on to a spread by spread presentation of a wide range of feelings, including: *Happy * Sad * Excited * Bored * Interested * Angry * Upset * Calm * Silly * Lonely * Scared * Safe *Embarrassed * Shy * Confident * Worried * Jealous * Satisfied The final spread is about Feeling Better because sharing and talking abo…
With Albert the Koala's Counting Book, All you do is count and look and Albert's friends, from far and near, if you look you'll find right here
Featuring more than 60 colorful and reusable stickers, this sticker book allows fans of the hit Disney movie Frozen to play and learn more about their favorite characters including Elsa, Anna, and Olaf.
A storybook, sticker book and puzzle book in one.
One day, Little Bear goes exploring deep in the woods. He finds rocks to climb and branches to bounce on. But Big Bear is always there, close by, to help him if he's needed.
Reepicheep has always been a loyal supporter of Aslan, so the brave Mouse volunnteers his services in the battle to reclaim the throne of Narnia. Despite the size of their enemies, Reepicheep and his army of Mice fight proudly alongside Caspian and the Pevensie children. Join Reepicheep as he proves that size does not matter in the flight between good and evil!
Charlie Cook is reading a book about a pirate captain, who is reading a book about Goldilocks, who is reading about a knight, who is reading about a frog... From kings and queens to aliens and ghosts, there`s something for everyone in Charlie`s amazing book! Entertaining and original, a new book from this team is always cause for celebration!