Kali ini Pong dan Dum pergi ke kutub! Bukan tanpa alasan mereka pergi kesana. Mereka hendak menemui dan belajar tentang satwa khas dataran es, yaitu beruang kutub, penguin, dan anjing laut. Apa saja keunikan-keunikan mereka? Apa saja yang mereka punya untuk diceritakan pada kita? Ayo ikuti perjalanan Pong dan Dum!
original book title "Stingy Family Survive with 1 Dollar" First Published in Seoul Korea in 2008 by Lee Bong-gi Keluarga Bindae dapat melakukan apa saja dengan 1.000 won! Memangnya apa yang berharga dari uang 1.000 won? Ingatlah Keluarga Bindae jika ingat 1.000 won! Keluarga Bindae adalah keluarga super irit se-Korea Selatan. Mereka yakin banyak yang bisa dilakukan dengan hanya 1.000 won! …
original book title "Stingy Family's All Sorts of Part-time Jobs" First Published in Seoul Korea in 2007 by Lee Bong-gi Kerja sampingan itu wajib bagi keluarga Bindae! Akibat di-PHK dari kantornya, Papa Bindae menganggur. Artinya, penghasilan Keluarga Bindae berkurang. Mama Chansun pun semakin pelit dalam mengelola uang. Sogeum dan Deollong pun ikut menanggung akibatnya. Demi tetap mempunyai…
original book title "Stingy Family Mission : Thrift Tour" First Published in Seoul Korea in 2007 by Heo, Yoon-jung Keluarga Bindae menang hadiah kuis kupon menginap di Pulau Jeju! Wah, kapan lagi mereka bisa liburan, kan? Tetapi, ternyata hadiahnya hanya kupon menginap saja tanpa biaya transport dan lainnya. Mereka pun harus memutar otak agar bisa liburan tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya! Kira…
original book title "Stingy Family Series Vol.6 : Stingy Family's Prime Common Sense of Economy" First Published in Seoul Korea in 2006 by Jang, You-jeong Ayo kita belajar irit! Penasaran dengan prinsip ekonomi yang digunakan keluarga Bindae? Kamu bisa meniru keluarga Bindae dalam mengelola keuangan mereka. Pastinya kamu mau kan menjadi kaya? Jadi, kamu jangan lupa menabung dan berhemat demi…
original book title "Time-Life for Children" First Published in Hong Kong in 1993 by Time Life Inc.
King Yertle the Turtle learn the pitfalls of becoming too big for your boots, in the first tale of this hilarious trio of classic Dr. Seuss stories! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Raja Yertle si Kura-kura mempelajari perangkap…
Full of wonderful yawning creatures, this is the original go-to-sleep classic that's guaranteed to sand children off into splendid slumbe... By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Penuh dengan makhluk-makhluk menguap yang luar biasa, …
Some of the Sneetches have bellies with stars, while the plain-bellied ones have none upon thars! But they soon discover they're not that different after all. By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Beberapa Sneetches memiliki perut de…
When it comes to scrambling eggs, Petter T. Hooper needs something super-dee-dooper for his dish! and only the most interesting eggs from around the world will do... By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Ketika harus mengacak telur, …