The equestria games are coming soon and Ponyville is buzzing with excitement in this action-packed book filled with healthy tips, puzzles, and more! And you can have even more fun with the included tattoos to make your own winning style. Ready, set, go!
Learn to draw twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, and all the awesome equestria girls characters! It's easier than you think the step by step instructions inside are oh so easy to follow! In no time, you'll be creating your own equestria girls world. Add in some pony-rific stencils, stickers, and activities, and let your creativity run wild!
Dengan ilustrasi yang segar dan kontemporer, buku bergambar ini akan menarik bagi para penggemar My Little Pony, baik yang berusia muda maupun tua! Buku ini berkaitan dengan film panjang My Little Pony yang akan tayang pada bulan Oktober 2017! "The quest to be the best siderick ever is on! Grubber has his work cut out for him..."
Discord is a relatively new student of the Magic of Friendship. After all, it was not so very long ago that he was the most notorious villain in all of Equestria. So when he receives a secret invitation from Princess Celestia to join the ponies of Ponyville in their Spring Musical, he jumps at the opportunity to practice what he's learned so far. Things go as smoothly as they can first, but it'…
When the family farm is in trouble, Pinkie Pie tries to help the best way she knows how - by planning a rockin'party in Ponyville!. The party will be super-duper cool and is sure to save the farm. But Pinkie Pie's family don't like the idea. They want her to be serious for once in her life. What will Pinkie Pie do?