Contents : 1. The World of Plants : Plants survive in some incredible conditions. Learn about some of their amazing adaptations 2. Planet of the Plants : Captain Carter and her crew have no idea what's in store for them when they're forced to land on a strange planet 3. Trouble in the Forest : The trees in the forest need some urgent help. They just have to figure out how to get it.
Contents : 1. King Claude's Kitchen : King Claude loves animals! 2. Cooking : All about different ways to cook 3. All Mixed Up : Egg, flour, milk, and sugar get mixed up with spoon
Contents : 1. Carving Up The Earth : The face of the Earth is always changing. Find out about some of the ways 2. Friends of Sandy Bay : Amy's alarmed by the changes at Sandy Bay. She sets out to meke a real difference 3. A Future History Lesson : Have you ever wondered how people might live in the future? Thobeela leads a trip back to the future
Contents : 1. Your Special Body - Genes : the way youlook is because of your genes 2. Our New Baby : we follow Sam's progress during his first weeks of life 3. Muscles : the muscles explain what they do to help us every day.
Contents : 1. Playing Volleyball : Fine out about volleyball. Learn about the differences between indoor volleyball and beach volley ball 2. Spike : It is the day of the big volleyball contest. But the match has started without spike 3. Pegs are important : The volleyball equipment has an argument. Which piece of equipment is the most importent?
Contents : 1. Hunters and Gatherers : All people were once hunters and gatherers, but today, very few societies live this way. Why? 2. Top Dog : Walter the montain-rescue dog leads an exciting life. Fine out what a mountain-rescue dog does 3. Mbuki's First Hunt : It is Mbuki's big day and he dreams of catching a lion. But it is his mother and sister who see the lion first.
Elis suka sekali makan wortel. Namun, wortel sedang langka. Elis menanam wortel sendiri. Apakah dia akan berhasil?
Neo dan Nara ikut orang tuanya ke Pulau Samosir. Mamanya seorang peneliti burung yang sedang meneliti burung endemik. Suatu hari saat mereka mengikuti orang tuanya di hutan mereka mencium bau wangi misterius. Kata Neo bau itu biasanya untuk memanggil hantu. Sayangnya Nara tidak percaya. Dia justru ingin mencari tahu dari mana bau itu berasal. Apa yang akan ditemukan Nara dan Neo selanjutnya?
Ega diberi uang oleh bapaknya. Ia mau membeli sesuatu dengan uang itu. Ega minta Dani untuk menemaninya ke pasar. Ternyata di pasar banyak barang yang menggiurkan. Ega dan Dani dibuat tidak tahan. Beli ini dulu atau beli yang direncanakan itu? Apakah Ega dan Dani mendapatkan yang mereka mau?
Bagi Faben, tinggal di Yogya sungguh menyebalkan. Makanan, teman-teman, dan cuacanya sungguh berbeda dengan Bengkulu, kota kelahirannya. Namun, Faben tak punya pilihan. Dia harus tinggal di sana selama dua tahun. Berbagai permasalahan pun timbul. Faben terus mengeluh dan berharap dua tahun cepat berlalu. Suatu malam, Faben mendengar suara drumben. Aneh, siapa yang bermain drumben malam-malam be…