Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan proses komunikasi, artinya di dalamnya terjadi proses penyampaian pesan dari seseorang (sumber pesan) kepada seseorang atau sekelompok orang (penerima pesan). Pesan tersebut merupakan isi layanan bimbingan dan konseling. Untuk membantu penyampaian pesan ini diperlukan saluran berupa media bimbingan dan konseling. Penggunaan media ini untuk lebih meningkatkan pe…
Uses personal classroom experiences to present strategies for teaching phonics in a holistic reading and writing program Menggunakan pengalaman pribadi di kelas untuk menyajikan strategi pengajaran fonik dalam program membaca dan menulis secara holistik
“Mengapa negeri ini rapuh? Karena banyak pohon beringin ingin jadi pohon jeruk, dan pohon jeruk ingin jadi pohon mangga.” Gede Prama Setiap anak lahir dengan membawa bibit unggul masing-masing. Anak yang memiliki bibit dokter bila dirawat dengan tepat, kelak akan tumbuh menjadi “pohon dokter”. Begitu juga dengan anak yang menyimpan bibit penyanyi, jika dibesarkan dengan baik, kelak ia …
Judul asli "Kung Fu Panda 2 movie Prequel : Art of Balance" Mengikuti karakter film Kung fu panda 2 melalui empat cerita yang berfungsi sebagai prekuel film tersebut. 1. Koki Naga 2. Sentuhan Takdir 3. Dan Sepasang Tanduk 4. VS 200 Bandit PO mengalami kesulitan menyeimbangkan antara tugasnya di warung mie dan tofu Pendekar Naga sehingga dia sulit berkonsentrasi. Dapatkah Po menemukan…
A biography for young readers explores the transformation of a wild blind deaf child into a world renowned woman. For use in schools and libraries only These early reader books feature controlled sentence length and vocabulary to help support readers just beginning to read longer stories with paragraphs Sebuah biografi untuk pembaca muda yang mengeksplorasi transformasi seorang anak tuna run…
Judul asli "The adventures of ABDI" Abdi is a little boy who has been given a very big task. He is to deliver the most precious necklace in the world -- made by Eli, his teacher and a master jeweler -- to the queen. Along the way he is robbed in the desert, thrown in a dungeon, and has a surprising encounter with a snake. But no matter what obstacles he faces, Abdi never gives up hope, guide…
Bilingual (Inggis - Indonesia) One more fairy graduated from Fairy University. Bree, the fairy with the best grades, was immediately offered to become a Bird Fairy. Bree was very confident in her abilities. She refused the help of the old Bird Fairy. Is the job of a Bird Fairy really that easy? Or is Bree too proud to ask for help? Let's follow along with the story of Bree the smart…
This treasure of a book, for people of all faiths, is a starting point for parents who must talk about the difficult topic of death with their children. What should parents say when a loved one dies? Heaven is a difficult subject that always comes up at tough times, and Maria Shriver has written a very special book precisely for these stressful moments. What's Heaven? is the story of Kate, a…
Ever wonder what you'd find inside a princess's mailbox? How about a letter from her evil stepmother? A review from a food critic who loved her restaurant? A message in a bottle from down under the sea? Join the Disney Princesses in this fun, enchanting book featuring mail written to and from Rapunzel, Tiana, Merida, Belle, and more! Each princess's story includes a royal letter to fold open an…
Sejarah dunia baru tercatat sejak 3.500 tahun silam, padahal kehidupan telah berlangsung selama miliaran tahun. Berbagai penggalian arkeologis akhirnya perlahan mengungkap kehidupan pra-sejarah. Penemuan fosil, reruntuhan, hingga berbagai bentuk artefak memperlihatkan bagaimana kehidupan yang berlangsung di tiap zaman. Kehidupan dinosaurus di zaman Jura, munculnya para hominid di Savana Afrika,…