Maud the koala can't wait for her birthday party--until everything starts to feel way too overwhelming. Maud is having a birthday party in her backyard, and she's invited her friends--all fifty-six of them--to celebrate with her. She's not worried, though. After all, you can never have too much birthday! But when the guests arrive and the party gets packed, she isn't so sure. What will happe…
Mugsy is a 2-year old Pug. He's kind. He's loving. He's also scared of everything! Now his owner, Tessa, has enrolled him in obedience school. If Mugsy can conquer the obstacle course and avoid getting eaten by a Pit Bull, he just might be the leader of the pack.
Use your Tag Reader to make phonics skills spring to life! The Tag Learn to Read Series combines fun stories with rich audio to help children identify letter sounds and hear how they come together to form words. Each book set introduces a different series of skills, helping children build confidence with the fundamentals of reading. This introduces consonant blends and digraphs.
It's Halloween, and Pooh and his friends are all dressed up and ready for their annual parade. They soon discover there are more tricks than treats in store for everyone!
This story is about a birthday.
This title takes a simple look at the difference between wants and needs with relation to food and drink. We all need to eat and drink, but do we eat the sort of food our bodies need?
This entertaining selection of bedtime stories will captivate young children's imaginations and introduce them to the wonderful world of Letterland. Join the 26 Letterland friends as they dive the ocean deep in search of hidden treasure or blast into space with an alien adventurer. Great for reading aloud at any time of day! Teacher's tip: Ideal for encouraging speaking skills as well as identi…
A little girl overcomes her fears of going to school, and looks forward to her second day.
Tahukah teman-teman apa hewan terbesar di dunia? Yap, jawabanya adalah paus biru. Raksasa yang hidup di lautan ini, panjangnya bisa mencapai lebih dari 30 meter. Tak hanya punya tubuh besar yang unik, paus juga punya peran istimewa untuk dunia laut. Sebab, keberadaan paus bisa membantu menjaga keseimbangan rantai makanan dan menjaga populasi ikan tetap stabil di lautan. O iya, Indonesia menjadi…
Ideal for new learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading. 'I want to fly later this year.' 'So it's a race,' laughs Lagari. 'Yes,' smiles Hezarfen. The time is the 1630s . Sultan Murat…