What is the weather like today? Is it hot and sunny? Is it raining? Maybe it's snowing? Weather can be mild, but it sometimes can be wild. It's all round us, but what cause it?
How you seen seahells by tje seashore? Many creatures live by the shore. Crabs scuttle in the sand, fish swim in the shallow waters and seagulls squawk in the skies overhead.
Plants are incredible - they come in all shapes, sizes and colours. They can be giant redwoods, tasty turnips, perfect peaches or desert cactuses. Some even live in the sea!
Birds are beautiful creatures that can swoop and fly across the sky. But some birds can't fly at all, and others, like penguins, swim in the water. How many birds do you know?
Bugs come in different shapes and sizes, and some of them are beastly! Beetles, flies, butterflies and ants are all bugs. so are spiders and scorpions. Bugs can hop, jump, and fly. But can they swim?
Earth has many wild places that you can visit. Wild places can be vast grasslands, dusty deserts, dense forests or high mountains. Or they can be as small as ponds and rockpools.
The Great Wall of China is extremely log. It is one of the most amazing things ever built by humans. Find out how it was made and why people built it.
Judul asli : Aircraft. Brian Williams. (1974). Aircraft. London. Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd. Sejak dahulu kala orang ingin terbang seperti burung. Mereka membuat sayap dan mengepak-ngepakkannya, atau melompat dari menara. Tetapi tenaga otot terlalu lemah untuk mengangkat tubuh ke udara. Pertama kali orang berhasil mengudara bukan dengan sayap, tetapi menggunakan balon. Cerita balon ini mulai p…
Judul asli : Rocks and Minerals. Robin Kerrod. (1977). Rocks and Minerals. London. Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd. Bumi mulai berbentuk empat setengah milyar tahun yang lalu. Mula-mula merupakan gumpalan batu cair yang pijar. Lambat laun permukaannya mendingin dan terbentuklah suatu lapisan tipis yang agak keras, disebut kerak bumi. inilah yang menjadi permukaan bumi sekarang. Tetapi dibawah kerak…
Judul Asli : Planet Earth. Christopher Manard. (1974). Planet Earth. London. Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd. Dari semua planet dalam Tata Surya, hanya Bumilah yang memiliki keadaan yang baik untuk kehidupan. "Kapal angkasa" paling besar yang dikenal manusia - planet Bumi- berputar dalam orbit tahunannya mengelilingi matahari. Bumi penuh dengan makhluk hidup, tumbuhan, binatang dan manusia. Mem…