Siapa yang tidak suka makan empal daging atau bakso yang lezat? Pasti sebagian besar di antara kalian sangat menyukai keduanya dan makanan olahan dari daging lainnya. Namun, harga daging sapi terkadang menjadi mahal karena belum sepenuhnya dapat disediakan oleh peternak dalam negeri. Untuk itu, swasembada daging sapi menjadi salah satu harapan yang ingin dicapai pemerintah. Dalam buku ini, Mumu…
Cerita Naga Emas Danau Ranau ini dikembangkan dari cerita rakyat yang berkembang di sekitar Danau Ranau Lampung Barat. Sebagian wilayah Danau Ranau juga termasuk wilayah Sumatera Selatan. Selain naga emas, di sekitar Danau Ranau juga berkembang kisah Kelekup Gangsa. Naga Emas Danau Ranau bercerita tentang naga besar bersisik emas yang menjaga Danau Ranau. Naga ini akan muncul ke permukaan danau…
A sparkly special edition about a fun, favorite topic -- sleepovers! Rachel and Kirsty are going to a giant sleepover in the city -- and they can't wait! But things are going all wrong. Jack Frost and his goblins have stolen Selena the Sleepover Fairy's three magic objects. Without them, everyone will be losing sleep! Can Rachel and Kirsty help Selena track down her magic, so that sleepov…
Just in time for summer, a brand-new special edition --- all about the magic of summer camp! Summer camp is one of the best parts of summer vacation, thanks to Cara the Camp Fairy! Because of her special magic, campers can navigate through the woods, stay cool during the day, and do lots of fun activities. But Jack Frost has sent his goblins to steal Cara's magic. Now camp is a catastrophe! …
The royal family are off on holiday to a beautiful island resort with its own local stables. There Ellie and Kate meet snooty Princess Clara, who always thinks she knows best. But when Clara gets herself into trouble, Ellie and Kate rush to her aid with the help of a very special pony called Mango.
Roll up, roll up for the most exciting ride of your lives! Choose your favourite pony and let the Magic Carousel whisk you away on an amazing adventure! Sophie thinks jet-black Jewel is the most beautiful pony she has ever seen, and happily climbs aboard the Magic Carousel. The sparkly mist seems tinged with dark shadows, and suddenly she finds herself spirited onto a windswept midnight m…
Discord is a relatively new student of the Magic of Friendship. After all, it was not so very long ago that he was the most notorious villain in all of Equestria. So when he receives a secret invitation from Princess Celestia to join the ponies of Ponyville in their Spring Musical, he jumps at the opportunity to practice what he's learned so far. Things go as smoothly as they can first, but it'…
When the family farm is in trouble, Pinkie Pie tries to help the best way she knows how - by planning a rockin'party in Ponyville!. The party will be super-duper cool and is sure to save the farm. But Pinkie Pie's family don't like the idea. They want her to be serious for once in her life. What will Pinkie Pie do?
Cupcake! Hm ... yummy, cantik, dan imut, sampai dijuluki kue peri. Pantas Lolly tergila-gila pada kue ini. Begitu mendengar akan ada bazar cupcake, Lolly langsung mengajak Naura dan Jason untuk berjualan cupcake buatan mereka sendiri. Hasilnya bagaimana, ya? Tak cuma itu, saking terobsesinya pada cupcake alias fairy cake, Lolly juga menjadi ingin bertemu peri. Mungkinkah? Apa malah tidak bi…
Kak Syifa, Fayanna, dan Naila diajak mama dan ayah Fayanna camping ke Situ Gunung, di daerah Sukabumi. Tempatnya sekitar empat jam perjalanan dari Jakarta. Yeaaay ... asyiiik ...! Semua bersorak kegirangan. Mereka belum pernah camping, lho! Apalagi, di sana, mereka akan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan. Mulai dari kegiatan api unggun, trekking kunang-kunang, cooking class, hiking menyusuri jejak ke …