Judul asli : A very Lizzie christmas Jasmine Jones. "A very Lizzie christmas". Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2003. Natal telah tiba! Lizzie berencana ikut parade naik kendaraan festival bertema Natal Rock n` Roll. Keren, kan? Tapi untuk membuatnya, ia butuh bantuan Gordo dan keluarganya, termasuk adiknya yang nakal. Matt. Semua sudah terencana matang, sampai Knobby datang dan mengacaukan segalan…
Judul asli : The Lizzie McGuire movie David Weiss dan Bobbi J.G. Weiss. "The Lizzie McGuire movie". Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2003. Ciao, Lizzie! Setelah mengalami penghinaan terbesar di acara kelulusan SMP-nya, hanya ada satu hal yang ingin dilakukan Lizzie---meninggalkan negaranya! Untungnya, ia akan pergi berdarmawisata ke Roma. Di sana ia bertemu bintang musik pop Italia superganteng…
Judul asli : New kid in school Jasmine Jones. "New kid in school". Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2003. Lizzie girang setengah mati---Ethan Craft, cowok keren yang ditaksirnya, mengajaknya makan siang bareng! Bukan hanya itu, Lizzie juga mendapat kesempatan bertemu teman baru Ethan, anak pindahan dari Fiji yang langsung masuk jajaran orang populer di sekolah mereka. Anak misterius itu sudah perna…
Judul asli : The rise and fall of the kate empire Kirsten Larsen. "The rise and fall of the kate empire". Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2002. Meja cheerleader bagaikan acara Oscar! Kau hanya bisa duduk di sana kalau kau dinominasikan. Sejak dapat peran di drama sekolah, Matt berlagak bak bintang besar dan menyuruh-nyuruh semua orang seenaknya. Supaya bisa masuk TV, ayah Lizzie rela jadi binta…
Judul asli : Lizzie goes wild Kristen Larsen. "Lizzie goes wild". Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2002. "Maaf. Lizzie," kata Gordo dan Miranda, "tapi kau memang tipe anak baik." Lizzie gak setuju, kadang-kadang dia juga bisa badung kok, Ya kan? Bosan deh jadi anak baik terus. Lihat saja Angel Lieberman! Semua orang tahu dia cewek paling badung di sekolah, tapi kayaknya hidup cewek itu lebih bebas …
Judul asli "The adventures of ABDI" Abdi is a little boy who has been given a very big task. He is to deliver the most precious necklace in the world -- made by Eli, his teacher and a master jeweler -- to the queen. Along the way he is robbed in the desert, thrown in a dungeon, and has a surprising encounter with a snake. But no matter what obstacles he faces, Abdi never gives up hope, guide…
This treasure of a book, for people of all faiths, is a starting point for parents who must talk about the difficult topic of death with their children. What should parents say when a loved one dies? Heaven is a difficult subject that always comes up at tough times, and Maria Shriver has written a very special book precisely for these stressful moments. What's Heaven? is the story of Kate, a…
Ever wonder what you'd find inside a princess's mailbox? How about a letter from her evil stepmother? A review from a food critic who loved her restaurant? A message in a bottle from down under the sea? Join the Disney Princesses in this fun, enchanting book featuring mail written to and from Rapunzel, Tiana, Merida, Belle, and more! Each princess's story includes a royal letter to fold open an…
This is a beautifully illustrated book of classic children stories. The artwork is meant to dazzle and expand young imaginations. The stories include: The Ugly Duckling, The Little Tin Soldier, Rumpelstiltskin. The Wild Swans, Little Red Riding Hood, THe Brave Little Tailor, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Frog Prince, Rapunzel and Puss' n Boots. This is truly a must have for bright young minds.…