Take a peek inside the diaries of Jamie Kelly! She's cool (sometimes), nice (mostly), and funny (always). Kid-friendly humor & art, along w/JKBenton's signature style make this series a standout! Read the hilarious, candid (& sometimes mean) diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true...or at least as true as it needs to be. In this book, Jamie contends with Ang…
The (nearly) true confessions of Jamie Kelly Dear Dumb Diary, Anyway, Isabella said it wasn't the makeover that boosted Margaret's popularity and forced us down. It was the pants. She said it wasn't my loud "Yahoo" in science that got me switched again so that I'm science partners with Known Goon Mike Pinsetti. It was the pants. And she said it wasn't me that had done you-know-what …
Bestselling author Jim Benton is back, continuing a new spin on a favorite series! Dear Dumb Diary, Just when I was pretty sure we could let the Student Awareness Committee quietly die a dignified death like some majestic old elephant or the Square Dancing Club, Angeline has to be aware of something. Great. And, of course, it couldn't be something interesting like nail polish or why m…
Do NOT read Jamie Kelly's top-secret diaries! "Sometimes it amazes me how ingenious I am about everything." --Jamie Kelly We've been with Jamie Kelly through her search for inner beauty, poofy bridesmaid dresses, and desperate attempts to make money during summer vacation. Along the way, she's left us with countless gems of wisdom, such as: "If somebody ever asks you to kick her in the face, t…
Bestselling author Jim Benton is back, with a brand-new spin on a favorite series! Bestselling author Jim Benton is back, with a brand-new spin on a favorite series!Dear Dumb Diary is a hilarious hit! Now after 12 books (each covering a month of her life), Jamie Kelly's upcoming diaries have a fresh look and a fun twist. It's Dear Dumb Diary: Year Two! The diary entries are still laugh-out-lou…
Empat sekawan Maddy Wilkinson, Louie Eary, Tahnee Caruso, dan Dene Runga belajar di The Shooting Stars, sekolah drama sekaligus agensi yang dipimpin oleh si eksentrik Shelley Sotheby. Keseharian mereka di sekolah dan usaha mereka menggapai cita-cita untuk terjun di industri hiburan terasa begitu segar, lucu, dan kadang tak terduga. Persahabatan mereka dipenuhi tingkah-tingkah konyol dan kocak y…
Empat sekawan Maddy Wilkinson, Louie Eary, Tahnee Caruso, dan Dene Runga belajar di The Shooting Stars, sekolah drama sekaligus agensi yang dipimpin oleh si eksentrik Shelley Sotheby. Keseharian mereka di sekolah dan usaha mereka menggapai cita-cita untuk terjun di industri hiburan terasa begitu segar, lucu, dan kadang tak terduga. Persahabatan mereka dipenuhi tingkah-tingkah konyol dan kocak y…
Empat sekawan Maddy Wilkinson, Louie Eary, Tahnee Caruso, dan Dene Runga belajar di The Shooting Stars, sekolah drama sekaligus agensi yang dipimpin oleh si eksentrik Shelley Sotheby. Keseharian mereka di sekolah dan usaha mereka menggapai cita-cita untuk terjun di industri hiburan terasa begitu segar, lucu, dan kadang tak terduga. Persahabatan mereka dipenuhi tingkah-tingkah konyol dan kocak y…
Akan diadakan pementasan singkat `Joan of Arc` di sekolah yang akan dihadiri pula oleh seorang bintang film terkenal. Louie bertekad untuk mendapatkan peran utama. Ia melakukan segalanya untuk audisi, termasuk memotong cepak rambut pirangnya yang indah. `Penampilannya jadi seperti jamur merang` pikir teman-temannya. Tapi Louie tidak peduli. Ia yakin akan mendapatkan peran itulalu kepala seko…
Judul asli : Totally crushed! Kiki Thorpe. "Totally crushed!". Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2002. Ada yang naksir Lizzie? Wow, siapa nih? Quinn si bintang bisbol? Winston, siswa asing dari Mali? Atau mungkin malah Ethan Craft, cowok keren yang sudah lama ditaksir Lizzie? Rasa senang langsung hilang dari hati Lizzie begitu ia tahu identitas pengagumnya. LARRY TUDGEMAN! Si kutu buku culun yang…