Which dinosaur had a neck as long as a bus? What fearsome beast had more than 100 teeth? Delve into the deadly world of the dinosaurs and find out the answers to these questions and more in this amazing story of Earth's biggest ever animals. Dinosaurus apa yang memiliki leher sepanjang bus? Binatang buas apa yang memiliki lebih dari 100 gigi? Selami dunia dinosaurus yang mematikan dan temu…
Judul asli "The adventures of ABDI" Abdi is a little boy who has been given a very big task. He is to deliver the most precious necklace in the world -- made by Eli, his teacher and a master jeweler -- to the queen. Along the way he is robbed in the desert, thrown in a dungeon, and has a surprising encounter with a snake. But no matter what obstacles he faces, Abdi never gives up hope, guide…
This treasure of a book, for people of all faiths, is a starting point for parents who must talk about the difficult topic of death with their children. What should parents say when a loved one dies? Heaven is a difficult subject that always comes up at tough times, and Maria Shriver has written a very special book precisely for these stressful moments. What's Heaven? is the story of Kate, a…
Ever wonder what you'd find inside a princess's mailbox? How about a letter from her evil stepmother? A review from a food critic who loved her restaurant? A message in a bottle from down under the sea? Join the Disney Princesses in this fun, enchanting book featuring mail written to and from Rapunzel, Tiana, Merida, Belle, and more! Each princess's story includes a royal letter to fold open an…
Sejarah dunia baru tercatat sejak 3.500 tahun silam, padahal kehidupan telah berlangsung selama miliaran tahun. Berbagai penggalian arkeologis akhirnya perlahan mengungkap kehidupan pra-sejarah. Penemuan fosil, reruntuhan, hingga berbagai bentuk artefak memperlihatkan bagaimana kehidupan yang berlangsung di tiap zaman. Kehidupan dinosaurus di zaman Jura, munculnya para hominid di Savana Afrika,…
"It's no use," Little Croc said to Mummy Croc. "I can't run fast with my short crocodile legs, and I can't jump high with my long crocodile tail, and I can't catch the ball because my long crocodile nose gets in the way" Poor Little Croc feels he isn't good at anything. But just when he's ready to give up, he has a big surprise about what he CAN do! “Tidak ada gunanya,” kata Little Cr…
Keadaan darurat yang tak disangka terkadang bisa terjadi. Seperti hal-hal buruk yang bisa saja menimpa kita. Yuk, kiata cari tahu cara mengatasinya! Buku ini berisi 20 cerita seru dalam situasi darurat. Ada Zea yang tersesat di Mall, Evan dan sang kakak yang menghadapi kebakaran kecil di rumah, Radit yang jatuh satt wall climbing di sekolah, Reno yang terjebak di dalam lift, Dave yang berlindun…
Dunia anak seharusnya menyenangkan dan berwarna-warni ceria seperti layaknya pelangi. Tetapi, tidak sedikit anak-anak yang harus mengalami peristiwa yang tidak menyenangkan dalam hidup mereka, seperti perceraian orangtua, kecelakaan, dan kehilangan. Buku ini berisi delapan kisah kurang menyenangkan yang dihadapi anak-anak. Bagaimana mereka menghadapinya? Mampukah mereka melewati saat-saat ya…
Kringg!!! Begitulah suara alarm di pagi hari saat ibu dan ayah memulai pagi. Bunyi apa lagi yang sering kamu dengar? Ada kalanya lebih asyik jika kita membuat bebunyian keras. Tentu saja itu sangat menyenangkan! Seperti teman-teman kita di dalam buku ini ada yang membuat musik ceria, berseru dengan keras saat belajar menunggang kuda, dan masih banyak lagi. Buku ini berisi cerita-cerita unik ya…
This celebration of the joys of reading encourages us to open our eyes and take pride in our reading, so we'all learn lots of stuff and end up succeeding! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Perayaan kegembiraan membaca ini mendoro…