Join Dr. Seuss on the road to reading with a host of crazy creature, from wockets in pockets to waskets in baskets! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Bergabunglah dengan Dr. Seuss dalam perjalanan membaca bersama sejumlah makhluk…
When Aunt Annie's alligator meets the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, the result is a joyful parade through the alphabet with some od Dr. Seuss's kookiest characters. By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Ketika buaya Bibi Annie bertemu dengan Z…
In this hilarious exploration of opposites, colours, numbers and nonsense, Dr Seuss paints a crazy world of singing Yings, boxing Goxes and seven hump Wumps. By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Dalam eksplorasi yang lucu tentang ha…
Moo moo! Hoo hoo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Oh, the wonderful sounds Mr. Brown can do. Now see if you can do them too! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Moo moo! Hoo hoo! Ayam-ayam-ayam! Oh, suara-suara indah yang bisa dilakukan Tuan Br…
House, Mouse! Hop, Pop! cup, Pup! learning about words that rhyme has never been more fun - simply change the first letter and the whole word changes! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Rumah, Tikus! Hop, Pop! cup, Pup! belajar te…
When the Cat in the hat steps in on the mat, Sally and her brother are in for a roller-coaster ride of havoc and mayhem. By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Ketika Kucing Bertopi menginjak tikar, Sally dan kakaknya berada dalam per…
Imagine having feet like a duck, or a long trunk like an elephant! It may sound like fun, but you might fine out that you're better off just being you ... By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Bayangkan memiliki kaki seperti bebek, a…
When the Cat in the Hat steps back on the mat, with a team of miniature mischief-makers in his hat, Sally and her brother are in for another uproarious ride. By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Ketika Kucing Bertopi menginjakkan ka…
Tortoises in trees, crocodiles in prams and planes flying backwards - just how wacky can wednesday get? turn the page and have fun finding out! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss help children of all ages and abilities learn to read Kura-kura di pohon, buaya di kereta dorong bayi, dan …
When Sam-I-am pesters a grumpy grouch to eat a plate of green and ham, we soon fine we can't know what we really like until we have tried it! By combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest pictures with his unique blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition, Dr. Seuss helps children of all ages and abilities learn to read. Ketika Sam-I-am mengganggu si penggerutu yang pemarah…