Dapatkah Maggie, Mrs. Caloway, and Grace menghentikan Alameda Slim mencuri peternakan mereka? Atau mereka terpaksa mencari rumah baru sebagai gantinya?
Sofia berencana merayakan Hari Ibu dengan ibunya. Tetapi ketika tahu harus merayakannya bersama Amber dan James, saudara-saudara tirinya, Sofia sedih. Apakah sofia akan tetap merayakan Hari Ibu berdua dengan ibunya saja, atau harus bersama-sama?
Relive the classic tale of Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty!! Follow along as Aurora grows up with the good fairies, meets the prince of her dream, and breaks Maleficent's evil curse. Real character voice and thrilling sound effects add to the magic in this enchanting storybook-and-CD set
Deep in the forest, fawn finds a strange animal. Is he as dangerous as the scout fairies seem ti think, or is he simply misunderstood? Follow along with this book-and-CD set, featuring thrilling sound effects, word-for-word narration, and original movie voices.
The Disney Princess Cupcake Recipes cookbook combines 21 kitchen-tested recipes, illustrations of the Disney Princesses, and photos of the cupcakes that children and parents can make together from natural ingredients. The cookbook also includes Disney Princess-inspired recipes for full-sized cakes and other sweet treats. The Disney Princess Cupcake Recipes cookbook is divided into these four…
Relive the fast, rip-roaring tale of lightning McQueen in this classic storybook. Follow his journey to win the Piston Cup and all the unexpected frienships he makes along the way. Hidupkan kembali kisah kilat McQueen yang cepat dan menggetarkan dalam buku cerita klasik ini. Ikuti perjalanannya untuk memenangkan Piston Cup dan semua persahabatan tak terduga yang dia buat di sepanjang jalan.
Ever wonder what you'd find inside a princess's mailbox? How about a letter from her evil stepmother? A review from a food critic who loved her restaurant? A message in a bottle from down under the sea? Join the Disney Princesses in this fun, enchanting book featuring mail written to and from Rapunzel, Tiana, Merida, Belle, and more! Each princess's story includes a royal letter to fold open an…